Datasets & Software


League of Legends Match Data at Various Time Intervals. (2023)

Jailson Barros da Silva Junior, CLAUDIO E. C. CAMPELO.

Brazilian Secondary School Exam (ENEM) Questions Dataset. (2023).

Matheus Lisboa Oliveira dos Santos, CLAUDIO E. C. CAMPELO.

Tweets about COVID-19 Brazilian PCI. (2022).

Lucas Raniére Juvino Santos, Leandro Balby Marinho, CLAUDIO E. C. CAMPELO.

Fake News Dataset with In-content Annotations and Detailed Lying Excerpts. (2020).

Lucas Lima Vieira, Caio Libânio Melo Jeronimo, Leandro Balby Marinho, CLAUDIO E. C. CAMPELO.


I intend to update this page soon :-)